CONCEPT "Little Water"
堂島リバーフォーラムは大阪の中心を流れる堂島川のほとりに位置しており、堂島川はこの地の景観や人々の日常の暮らしに大きな役割を果たしています。歴史的に見てアジアの豊かな文明と文化は川沿いから生まれ、そこから農耕、経済、 詩歌、文学が誕生しました。
アーティスティック・ディレクター Rudy Tseng (ルディ・ツェン)
The Dojima River Forum is set on the beautiful riverbanks of Dojima River, in the heart of the traditional Osaka. At Dojima River, water plays an important part to the scene and the everyday life of the people here.
In history, the rich culture and civilization in Asia arose along river valleys, where the development of agriculture, economy to poem literature came to formation. Inspired by the beauty of flowing water and its significance in many different aspects. Mr. Tseng reinvestigates the traditional meaning of the water and explores its role in many different aspects of agriculture, ecology, literature and human sensibility.
Tseng invites works, which embrace the complexity and diversity of this most basic element of nature and its poetic beauty while acknowledge the unique of values of it.
Rudy Tseng
Artistic Director