PARASOPHIA: 京都国際現代芸術祭 特別連携プログラム/京芸Transmit Program #6
still moving
10 年以内の近い将来、京都市立芸術大学が、京都駅にほど近い「崇仁(すうじん)地域」に移転する計画が進んでいます。この地域は、京都駅から徒歩数分という好立地に加え、地域内に流れる高瀬川と鴨川、東山を望む素晴らしい眺望という豊かな自然景観に恵まれています。また、地域の歴史を示す資料館や小学校、史蹟などの地域資源が多く残る場所である一方で、人口減少や高齢化の急速な進行に伴う危機的状況の中、地域活力の再生の必要に迫られています。そういった背景から、京都市立芸術大学の移転は、新しい「まちづくり」の核としても重要な役割を担っているのです。
PARASOPHIA / Special plan exhibition of the 6th anniversary of the Kyoto City
University of Arts Art gallery @KCUA
still moving
Within the next 10 years, Kyoto City University of Arts is planning to move to the Suujin Area, mere minutes from Kyoto station. The area is blessed with the abundant natural scenery of Takasegawa and Kamogawa rivers and a wonderful view of Higashiyama. On one hand it’ s a place with many remaining resources, such as a reference library with historical information of the area, a historic primary school and other local landmarks. The area also bears the burden of issues such as the critical situation behind the rapid advance of depopulation, an aging society and the approaching need for community revitalization, however. Under these circumstances, KCUA’ s move creates an important nucleus of community creation. Bringing together national and international artists, this exhibition seizes on the opportunity of being the ‘first step’ in the area for Kyoto City University of Art. We are seeing the internationalization of a multifaceted society where we can’ t help crossing borders in our daily lives; we’ re seeing an increase in the awareness of separate culture. In Kyoto, one can find both the succession of great tradition as well as the cultivation of art culture. Through this exhibition we hope to raise questions regarding this city of international art culture and the new university area. We desire to find out what is happening in Suujin, why it is being forced into community rehabilitation and give everyone a real-time experience doing so. Come and see it all for yourself.